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Electrochemical oxidation of humic acid at the antimony- and nickel-doped tin oxide electrode

TANG Chengli,YAN Wei,ZHENG Chunli

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2014, Volume 8, Issue 3,   Pages 337-344 doi: 10.1007/s11783-013-0545-9

Abstract: This work investigated the degradation of humic acid (HA) in aqueous solution by electrochemical oxidationInitial concentrations of HA ranged from 3 to 9 mg·L .Under such a concentration scope, the degradation of HA was a mass transfer controlled process.Degradation rate increased with the increase of HA initial concentration.Alkaly (pH= 12) and neutral (pH= 7) conditions were benefical to HA degradation.

Keywords: electrochemical oxidation     humic acid (HA)     natural water     Ni-Sb-SnO2/Ti electrode    

Adsorption of humic acid from aqueous solution on bilayer hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide-modified

Yanhui ZHAN, Jianwei LIN, Yanling QIU, Naiyun GAO, Zhiliang ZHU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2011, Volume 5, Issue 1,   Pages 65-75 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0277-z

Abstract: The adsorption behavior of humic acid (HA) on SMNZ was investigated.Results indicate that the adsorbent SMNZ exhibited a higher affinity toward HA than the natural zeoliteHA removal efficiency by SMNZ increased with HTAB loading.Coexisting Ca in solution favored HA adsorption onto solution were lower than that of the original HA solution.

Keywords: bilayer surfactant-modified zeolite     hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (HTAB)     adsorption     humicacid (HA)    

Two-step hydrothermal conversion of biomass waste to humic acid using hydrochar as intermediate

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2023, Volume 17, Issue 10, doi: 10.1007/s11783-023-1719-8

Abstract: Converting biomass materials to humic acid is a sustainable method for humic acid production and achieveA two-step hydrothermal treatment method was adopted in this study to produce humic acid from corn stalksTheir chemical properties were then analyzed, and the hydrochar-derived humic acids were produced under

Keywords: Biowaste     Hydrochar     Humic acid     Hydrothermal parameter     Unsaturation    

Effects of humic acid on residual Al control in drinking water treatment plants with orthophosphate addition

Wendong WANG, Hua LI, Zhenzhen DING, Xiaochang WANG, Rui LIU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 4,   Pages 470-476 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0422-y

Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effects of humic acid (HA) on residual Al control in drinking waterthat adding orthophosphate was an effective method for residual Al control for the raw water without HAThe presence of HA would notably increase the residual Al concentration.For the raw water with 5 mg·L of HA, the concentrations of Sol-Al and Tot-Al increased from 0.136 andSimilar to the raw water without HA, the best Al control was obtained with orthophosphate salt added

Keywords: coagulation     drinking water     humic acid     orthophosphate     residual Al    

Abiotic association of phthalic acid esters with humic acid of a sludge landfill

Xiaoli CHAI, Yongxia HAO, Xin ZHAO, Guixiang LIU, Ying ZHU, Rong JI, Jun WU, Huanhuan TONG, Youcai ZHAO

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 6,   Pages 778-783 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0434-7

Abstract: The abiotic association between phthalic acid esters (PAEs) and humic substances (HS) in sludge landfillstudy the abiotic association of two abundant PAEs (diethyl phthalate and di- -butyl phthalate) with humicacid (HA) isolated from a sludge landfill with different stabilization times and different molecularthe PAEs and the characteristics of the association of the PAEs with HA.

Keywords: abiotic association     phthalic acid esters (PAEs)     humic acid     sludge     landfill    

Single-Ni-atoms on nitrogenated humic acid based porous carbon for CO electroreduction

Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 18, Issue 5, doi: 10.1007/s11705-024-2411-7

Abstract: The porous carbon was prepared by carbonizing cheap and abundant humic acid.

Keywords: CO2 electroreduction     single-Ni-atom catalysts     humic acid based porous carbon    

Application of ultra-sonication, acid precipitation and membrane filtration for co-recovery of proteinand humic acid from sewage sludge

Liangliang WEI,Kun WANG,Xiangjuan KONG,Guangyi LIU,Shuang CUI,Qingliang ZHAO,Fuyi CUI

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2016, Volume 10, Issue 2,   Pages 327-335 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0763-9

Abstract: A novel method was applied to co-recover proteins and humic acid from the dewatered sewage sludge for, and then the humic acid was recovered via membrane filtration.The extraction efficiency was 125.9 mg humic acid?to the natural proteins and humic acid.In addition, the dewatered sludge could be easily biodegraded when the humic acid and proteins are extracted

Keywords: sewage sludge     co-recovery     proteins     humic acid     recycling     biodegradation rate    

Effects of humic acid and surfactants on the aggregation kinetics of manganese dioxide colloids

Xiaoliu HUANGFU,Yaan WANG,Yongze LIU,Xixin LU,Xiang ZHANG,Haijun CHENG,Jin JIANG,Jun MA

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1,   Pages 105-111 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0726-1

Abstract: Nevertheless, little is known about the aggregation kinetics of MnO colloids and the effect of humicacid (HA) and surfactants on these.stage aggregation kinetics of MnO nanoparticles in NaNO and Ca(NO ) solutions in the presence of HAsteric hindrance may be primarily responsible for increasing colloidal stability in the presence of HAMoreover, the molecular and/or chemical properties of HA might impact its stabilizing efficiency.

Keywords: humic acid     surfactant     aggregation kinetics     drinking water     manganese dioxide colloids    

efficient pretreatment method to alleviate reverse osmosis membrane fouling caused by complexes of humicacid and calcium ion

Xuehao Zhao, Yinhu Wu, Xue Zhang, Xin Tong, Tong Yu, Yunhong Wang, Nozomu Ikuno, Kazuki Ishii, Hongying Hu

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2019, Volume 13, Issue 4, doi: 10.1007/s11783-019-1139-y


Humic acids (HA) didn’t cause obvious reverse osmosis (RO) membranelistitem>

Osmotic pressure (NaCl) affected slightly the RO membrane fouling behavior of HA

Ca2+ promoted aggregation of HA moleculesitemcontent>

Ozonation eliminated the effect of Ca2+ on the RO membrane fouling behavior of HA

The change of the structure of HA was related

Keywords: Reverse osmosis     Membrane fouling     Humic acid     Ca2+     Ozone    

Evolution of humic substances in polymerization of polyphenol and amino acid based on non-destructive

Jianmei Zou, Jianzhi Huang, Huichun Zhang, Dongbei Yue

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2021, Volume 15, Issue 1, doi: 10.1007/s11783-020-1297-y

Abstract: • Humification process from precursors to fulvic and humic acid was confirmed. • MnO2 alone had limitedoxidation ability to form HA. • MnO2 played a key role as a catalyst to transform FA to HA in the presencewas to use non-destructive measurement methods to investigate the role of MnO2 in the evolution of humicsubstances (HSs) during oxidative polymerization of polyphenol-amino acid.(FA) to humic acid (HA), whereas O2 was the key factor in the process.

Keywords: Two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2D-COS)     Humic substances (HSs)     Humification     Manganese dioxide    

Adsorptive behaviors of humic acid onto freshly prepared hydrous manganese dioxides

LIU Ruiping, LI Guibai, YANG Yanling, HE Wenjie, HAN Hongda

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2007, Volume 1, Issue 2,   Pages 240-245 doi: 10.1007/s11783-007-0041-1

Abstract: This study focused on the adsorptive behaviors of humic acid onto freshly prepared hydrous MnO(s) (δMnO), and investigated the feasibility of employing δMnO for humic acid removal from drinking water.This study indicated that humic acid with higher molecular mass exhibited more tendency of adsorbingCa facilitated more humic acid adsorption than Mg; UV-Vis spectra analysis indicated higher capabilitiesof Ca coordinating with acidic functional groups of humic acid than that of Mg.

Keywords: Mg     molecular     functional     UV-Vis spectra     prepared hydrous    

Effect of humic acid and metal ions on the debromination of BDE209 by nZVM prepared from steel pickling

Yuling CAI,Bin LIANG,Zhanqiang FANG,Yingying XIE,Eric Pokeung TSANG

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 5,   Pages 879-887 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0764-8

Abstract: It has been shown that humic acid and metal ions have the greatest influence on remediation.and nZVI both can effectively remove BDE209 with little difference in their removal efficiencies, and humicacid inhibited the removal efficiency, whereas metal ions promoted it.The effects and cumulative effects of humic acid and metal ions on nZVM and nZVI were very similar in

Keywords: steel pickling waste liquor     nanoscale zero-valet metal     nanoscale zero-valent iron     humic acid     metal ion    

Investigation of the effects of humic acid and H 2 O 2 on the photocatalytic degradation of atrazine

Chao QIN, Shaogui YANG, Cheng SUN, Jia ZHOU, Manjun ZHAN, Rongjun WANG, Huanxing CAI,

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 3,   Pages 321-328 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0238-6

Abstract: The effects of mannitol, oxygen, humic acid, and hydrogen dioxide on the photodegradation rate were exploredPhotodegradation of atrazine was hindered in the presence of humic acid, and the retardation effect increasedas the concentration of humic acid increased.

Keywords: atrazine     retardation effect     photocatalysis     TiO2    

Effects of water quality on the coagulation performances of humic acids irradiated with UV light

Wendong WANG,Qinghai FAN,Zixia QIAO,Qin YANG,Yabo WANG,Xiaochang WANG

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2015, Volume 9, Issue 1,   Pages 147-154 doi: 10.1007/s11783-014-0749-7

Abstract: The presence of humic acid in drinking water treatment has received significant attention in recent yearsOur results suggested that UV light radiation could effectively improve the removal rate of humic acidAfter UV light radiation, the removal rate of the nitro-humic acid (NHA) increased from 20% to 60% inIn addition to NHA, the removal rates of the humic acid extracted from peat coal (PHA) and the humicacid in coagulation.

Keywords: coagulation     drinking water     humic acid     UV light radiation     water quality    

Ester Lipase Protects Against Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis by Binding to Fatty Acid

Yang Song,Wei Zhong,Harry Cheuk-Hay Lau,Yating Zhang,Huayu Guan,Mingxu Xie,Suki Ha,Diwen Shou,Yongjian

Engineering doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2024.04.018

Abstract: Mechanistically, CEL directly bound to fatty acid synthase (FASN), resulting in reduced FASN SUMOylation

Keywords: Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis     Carboxyl ester lipase     Fatty acid synthase     De novo lipogenesis    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Electrochemical oxidation of humic acid at the antimony- and nickel-doped tin oxide electrode

TANG Chengli,YAN Wei,ZHENG Chunli

Journal Article

Adsorption of humic acid from aqueous solution on bilayer hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide-modified

Yanhui ZHAN, Jianwei LIN, Yanling QIU, Naiyun GAO, Zhiliang ZHU

Journal Article

Two-step hydrothermal conversion of biomass waste to humic acid using hydrochar as intermediate

Journal Article

Effects of humic acid on residual Al control in drinking water treatment plants with orthophosphate addition

Wendong WANG, Hua LI, Zhenzhen DING, Xiaochang WANG, Rui LIU

Journal Article

Abiotic association of phthalic acid esters with humic acid of a sludge landfill

Xiaoli CHAI, Yongxia HAO, Xin ZHAO, Guixiang LIU, Ying ZHU, Rong JI, Jun WU, Huanhuan TONG, Youcai ZHAO

Journal Article

Single-Ni-atoms on nitrogenated humic acid based porous carbon for CO electroreduction

Journal Article

Application of ultra-sonication, acid precipitation and membrane filtration for co-recovery of proteinand humic acid from sewage sludge

Liangliang WEI,Kun WANG,Xiangjuan KONG,Guangyi LIU,Shuang CUI,Qingliang ZHAO,Fuyi CUI

Journal Article

Effects of humic acid and surfactants on the aggregation kinetics of manganese dioxide colloids

Xiaoliu HUANGFU,Yaan WANG,Yongze LIU,Xixin LU,Xiang ZHANG,Haijun CHENG,Jin JIANG,Jun MA

Journal Article

efficient pretreatment method to alleviate reverse osmosis membrane fouling caused by complexes of humicacid and calcium ion

Xuehao Zhao, Yinhu Wu, Xue Zhang, Xin Tong, Tong Yu, Yunhong Wang, Nozomu Ikuno, Kazuki Ishii, Hongying Hu

Journal Article

Evolution of humic substances in polymerization of polyphenol and amino acid based on non-destructive

Jianmei Zou, Jianzhi Huang, Huichun Zhang, Dongbei Yue

Journal Article

Adsorptive behaviors of humic acid onto freshly prepared hydrous manganese dioxides

LIU Ruiping, LI Guibai, YANG Yanling, HE Wenjie, HAN Hongda

Journal Article

Effect of humic acid and metal ions on the debromination of BDE209 by nZVM prepared from steel pickling

Yuling CAI,Bin LIANG,Zhanqiang FANG,Yingying XIE,Eric Pokeung TSANG

Journal Article

Investigation of the effects of humic acid and H 2 O 2 on the photocatalytic degradation of atrazine

Chao QIN, Shaogui YANG, Cheng SUN, Jia ZHOU, Manjun ZHAN, Rongjun WANG, Huanxing CAI,

Journal Article

Effects of water quality on the coagulation performances of humic acids irradiated with UV light

Wendong WANG,Qinghai FAN,Zixia QIAO,Qin YANG,Yabo WANG,Xiaochang WANG

Journal Article

Ester Lipase Protects Against Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatohepatitis by Binding to Fatty Acid

Yang Song,Wei Zhong,Harry Cheuk-Hay Lau,Yating Zhang,Huayu Guan,Mingxu Xie,Suki Ha,Diwen Shou,Yongjian

Journal Article